Cavia Bella

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Links to other California Breeders

Hunt's Cavies

Sherrie Hunt owns Hunt's Cavies - beautiful dilute and intense solids and agoutis, as well as some lovely roans!

Silvercrest Caviary

Karla Casebolt runs Silvercrest Caviary in Washington State. Okay, so she's not in California!  But check out her lovely TSWs!

The Rabbit and Cavy Directory

Great information on rabbit and cavy breeds, including a breeder's directory and club directory!

Snapple - Pigs of Pamplona commercial.
You gotta love this Snapple ad.  Check out the behind-the-scenes movies, particularly the one on spending the day on the set with Ralph, the lead "bull".

More Cavy Humor!!
Guinea Pig Theatre presents some cute cavy productions:

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