We support 4-H!! 4-H discount of 20% on
all sale animals.
4-H is a youth development program sponsored by the
Cooperative Extension Service, a program of the United States Department
of Agriculture. 4-H helps our young people to learn proper animal husbandry, along with other arts - photography,
textile arts, computers, etc. 4-Hers show at county and state fairs, and 4-H groups are everywhere. 4-H and related
programs are operating in over 80 countries. Check out http://www.national4-hheadquarters.gov/ for information about 4-H in your area. It's a great opportunity for all kids to get back to understanding
nature, learn about where our food actually comes from (not the supermarket!), learn responsibility, and it's especially great
for city kids, as they are often able to raise their own livestock on 4-H ranches, without having to live on a farm.
Check it out for your kids!